Sacred Hearts Publications

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Teaching and enriching families through God’s beautiful creation and the written word

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Sacred Hearts Publications…

…is the culmination of a lifelong interest in God's goodness truth and beauty as revealed in His awesome creation, particularly within the infinite diversity of color, form and fragrance of flowers, plants, trees and all things green.

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Sixteen years of Catholic education and an active Sacramental life ordered and channeled this interest, revealing connections between theology and the created world. The discovery that the structure or Latin nomenclature of a species of plant or flower could be directly related to a truth about Christ, Mary, the Saints or Catholicism, fueled a desire to help others, including children, understand and appreciate these connections that greatly enrich our daily living and help keep us in a relationship of love with God.

Carnation reminds us of the Incarnation: Latin carne = “flesh” and natio = “to be born.” Carnations have a spicy fragrance like cloves. Latin for clove is clavis = “nail” which individual cloves resemble. This flower can remind us of Jesus’ birth and death on the Cross.

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It is not by accident that God has created and placed each of us on earth at a particular time in history. He has given us tasks to accomplish, work to do that cannot be done by someone else. It is uniquely ours and He has given us gifts of character, personality, interests and most of all, His supernatural grace to accomplish it. If we do not do it, it will be left undone.

Pray therefore, to know...and to do...what He has willed for you so that the world will become a better place for your having lived in it.

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